So, remember, at the beginning, the only things my housemates could say in French were: ....
BUT, since then, they improved a LOT!
- But dad, I dont have any money left! (apparently a sentence I would use a lot when skyping)
- I'm pregnant!
par a khubette's life 6 Juillet 2011, 10:35 Erasmus in Swansea
So, remember, at the beginning, the only things my housemates could say in French were: ....
BUT, since then, they improved a LOT!
- But dad, I dont have any money left! (apparently a sentence I would use a lot when skyping)
- I'm pregnant!
Pssst ! Je gribouille aussi mes tribulations d'expat sur un blog hébergé par Courrier International : Dessine-moi un expat.
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